Consulting a psychotherapist should be as important as consulting a physician for any injury or illness. Today it is indispensable as an element of self-care to dedicate time and energy to explore and better understand our thoughts, feelings and inner world.

The psychotherapeutic consultation offers a confidential and non-judgmental space to discuss personal challenges, question values and beliefs, explore lived experiences and make decisions with the necessary adjustments for the future.


Psychoanalysis is a clinical method and approach based on the revolutionary theories of Sigmund Freud. This method investigates unconscious processes that would otherwise be difficult to access by inviting the patient to say spontaneously and without constraint whatever comes to mind: the rule of free association, what Freud called the "fundamental rule" in practice. No matter how disturbing, meaningless, offensive, socially unacceptable or irrelevant the thought may be, it can lead to an exploration of our thoughts, desires, personal history that has been until then unknown, hidden or repressed from our our consciousness.  

Thus we work together on the interpretation of dreams, conflicts, fantasies and motivations.

The frequency for a classical psychoanalysis is two to four times a week, lying on a couch.

Psychoanalysis is an expedition in which it is impossible to predict the duration and which allows, at best, to reinvent oneself.

"Being completely honest with yourself is a good exercise."


Psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy is an approach in which the essential elements of psychoanalysis are used through free association, dreams, fantasies, conflicts and motivations, but in a different setting, without a couch, sitting facing each other and with a variable frequency of once or twice a week.